Offered in concert with our strategic partners at Nater Associates, Ltd.

Our objective is to give you all the tools you need to manage your own workplaces – the end result being a more intelligent, effective, efficient, practical and cost-effective approach to protecting your people, property and premises from the threat of violence.

Every client is different and their needs unique. There is no “ones size fits all” policy when it comes to the critical task of implementing workplace violence prevention and security policies and procedures to protect your employees from violence. Our hands on consultative approach allow us to gain intimate knowledge of your specific challenges and needs and to provide you with the most applicable policies and solutions.

We do so by:

  • Evaluating your existing Workplace Violence Prevention Program
  • Assessing your existing security posture
  • Implementing prioritized recommendations from the evaluations and assessments
  • Designing customized training to address every aspect of Workplace Violence Prevention & Security Awareness
  • Providing Workplace Investigation, Threat Assessment and Litigation Support.
  • Maintaining a supportive relationship to assist you as needed through our Out-Source Security Advisory and Program Management Support

About Nater Associates:

Felix P. Nater, President of Nater Associates is a Certified Security Consultant, retired Postal Inspector and Army Reserve Sergeant Major with over 30 years of broad leadership, management and security experience. He is a Member of the International Association of Professional Security Consultants, President of the North East Chapter of the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals, Member of the American Society of Safety Engineers & Society for Human Resources Professionals