Personal safety and security awareness training during civil unrest is key.

Civil unrest, regardless of its genesis, poses a potential threat, whether during work hours, commuting, traveling to see a client or during non-work-related activities.

Potential for unrest, rioting, looting and other aggressive and violent behavior can be avoided by staying away from large crowds, planned rallies, protests and public gatherings.

However, in today’s fluid, volatile and unpredictable landscapes, we may find ourselves in a spontaneous civil unrest situation we could not have predicted. In times like this having good situational awareness and having rehearsed our “What if?” scenarios is critical.

It is well known when we are exposed to extreme stress, absent any training or pre planning, we tend to become the proverbial “deer in the headlights” and the ability to think clearly is eroded in unforgiving situations that will only allow for split second decisions.

In addition to planning and preparation to avoid such civil unrest situations, this training focuses on the intangible: the situational awareness and strategic responses of the individual.

Training on how to better process your environment, understand where your exit point are and where they lead to is critical.  The body language of those around us also provides information helping us to formulate a response rather than react in situations where no two are alike.

Obeying intuition and granting “self permission” to act on our instincts is reinforced throughout the program

  • Please note, elements of this training appear at relevant points during all our safety programs.


  • Onsite: 2-4 hour training including 15 minute break
  • Live Interactive Webinar: 90-120 minutes duration.
  • Recorded Customized Webinars: Broken down into modules to best suit your needs and housed on your LMS
  • Customization: Content customized to best suit your needs. Customization included in pricing.
  • Executive Overview: This live 30 minute interactive Teams session, relevant to your needs, offered at no charge so you may evaluate if we will be a good fit for you.


Topics Include:

  • Avoidance as our front-line to safety
  • Awareness of surrounding and understanding Condition Yellow
  • Route planning and areas to avoid and always knowing my exit routes to safety
  • Safe Havens
  • Real time information and dual sources
    • Thirty-minute old information is obsolete. Crowd dynamics are fluid and change quickly.
  • Communication planning and “check in” strategy
  • What will I always have on me, not just with me?
  • Keep topping off with fuel top of mind?
  • Blending in. Not drawing unwanted attention.
  • Branded vehicles. Branded clothing. When I cannot blend in?
  • I turned a corner and now I am surrounded by protesters. What do I do?
  • Vehicles and what can anger an otherwise peaceful crowd
  • If I must exit my vehicle what is my game plan?
  • If I must walk with the protest for a while, where is the safest place within the crowd?
  • Vehicle ramming attack?
  • Body language of others and my body language.
  • Eye contact?
  • If spoken to what will I say?
  • Awareness of weapons of opportunity that could be used by others
  • Use of Structure. What is this and how to leverage it
  • Non targeted / random gunfire. Cover versus concealment. Use of structure
  • Areas to avoid
  • Walk or Run?
  • Understanding the “21 foot rule” when approaching police for help.
  • My body language. How will I comport myself to put LE at ease as to my intentions approaching them?
  • Being sure I am not followed