Mike B: Safety Training Expert – San Diego

Mike brings invaluable experience to the company, subsequent to a seven year career in law enforcement. Mike earned an Associate of Science Degree in The Administration of Justice from West Valley College. He started his career as a sworn peace officer in 1989 with the California Highway Patrol where he served for five years. In 1994 he began working for the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety as both a Police Officer and Firefighter for two-and-a-half years. He enlisted in the Navy in 1996 and served our country as a U.S. Navy SEAL for eight-and-a-half years. He has conducted counter-terrorist operations throughout the world, including combat tours in Iraq and the Philippines. As a Special Operations Hospital Corpsman and team medic, Mike also brings expertise to the medical aspect of travel safety and preparedness.

Larry Kaminer: Safety – Founder – Trainer

Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa during the height of Apartheid, Larry developed a keen sense of situational awareness at an early age. The unstable nature of that society, extensive travel experience in Southern Africa and the Third World, and as a victim of several assaults, Larry brings a real world civilian perspective to the issue of personal safety.

His insurance consulting background in workers’ compensation while in health care provided extensive experience in writing, organizing and presenting content. Larry is the founder and president of the company who operates on a philosophy of embracing the thought leadership and expertise of those around him to accomplish his company’s mission statement: To bring the best possible information and training assets to any client to best accommodate their specific needs and concerns.